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project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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Economic Development Workshop

On March 26, at 1:30 pm., the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors will
be holding an Economic Development Workshop*.  We at the Calaveras Planning
Coalition will be there to present ideas for promoting a sustainable and
prosperous future for Calaveras County.  Our focus will be on presenting
sustainable economic development components that the Board of Supervisors
needs to include in the General Plan Update currently being prepared by the
Planning Department. *We are encouraging you to attend and/or to send
written comments to the Board of Supervisors.*  There are three new members
on the Board this year, and we hope that they will be open to new ideas.
We hope you will take this timely opportunity to introduce yourself to the
new Board members.

The workshop is at the BOS Chambers* in the County Government Center at
891 Mountain Ranch Road, in San Andreas.  Public comments are usually
limited to 3 – 5 minutes, so it is important to provide Board members with
detailed written materials for their further consideration.****

*The Supervisors emails are*: ; ; ;; 

The Calaveras Planning Coalition (CPC) is a group of community  organizations and individuals who want a healthy and sustainable future  for Calaveras County.  We believe that public participation is critical  to a successful planning process.  United behind eleven land use and  development principles, we seek to balance the conservation of local  agricultural, natural and historic resources, with the need to provide  jobs, housing, safety, and services.

Two of the CPC’s five goals have a direct bearing on economic development.  One of our relevant goals is to promote adequate infrastructure and  services.  These include water supply, circulation systems,  communication networks, wastewater reuse, and public safety.  The other  relevant goal is to promote a vital and sustainable economy.  This  involves promoting green building, a range of housing options,  locally-owned and environmentally compatible businesses, agriculture,  natural resource conservation, health and human services, and local  post-secondary education.

Thanks to the efforts of many organizations, we have some useful economic  development materials to present to the Board of Supervisors.   Thanks  to the Sierra Business Council, we have components of a draft energy  strategy to present.  Thanks to Applied Development Economics, we have  components of a draft economic development element to present.  Thanks  to Calaveras County Water District, we have some useful water management approaches to present.   Since the Board of Supervisors is not willing  to include these ideas in stand-a lone elements in the General Plan, part of our challenge at the CPC is to identify homes for these concepts in  the mandatory general plan elements: land use, housing, circulation,  conservation, open space, noise and safety.

Thanks you for all your help to date.  We hope to see you at the workshop.




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