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CAP is a community-based citizen participation
project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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A Sunday Afternoon for CAP

Over 50 people gathered at the Hotel Leger in Mokelumne Hill on October 23 to enjoy the accomplishments of the Community Action Project and look to the future of citizen participation in county and regional planning.

Inspiring presentations informed newcomers and those who know CAP well that:

  • Our voices and actions have changed the planning conversation in Calaveras County; citizens have shown that they will hold our county government accountable for good, legal planning processes.
  • Our voices have been heard in the General Plan update meetings and hearings; the input of the communities is reflected in the Vision and Opportunities Report and the growth alternative selected by the Board of Supervisors to guide the new General Plan.
  • There is a long way to go until the new General Plan is adopted and implemented; CAP and broad-based citizen participation are more needed than ever.

The event began with a lively social hour, generously hosted by CAP Board member Holly Mines.  After time to catch up with old friends and meet new acquaintances, we settled in to hear short, informative presentations that put CAP in context in the county.

After welcomes by Holly and Ginger Griffin, coordinator of the Board of Supervisors On Call Project, CAP founding Board member Penny Sarvis presented a history of the Community Action Project and the Calaveras Planning Coalition.  Coalition member Kathy Mayhew of Keep It Rural Calaveras spoke with passion of the benefits their group has received from participating in the Calaveras Planning Coalition and receiving legal guidance from CPC Facilitator Tom Infusino.

Tom was the featured speaker of the afternoon with a five-point message:

  • We have been heard in the General Plan update process.
  • Why we care so much about good planning and a good General Plan
  • The challenges that lie ahead in adopting a good General Plan and seeing that it is implemented.
  • CAP and the Planning Coalition have been working with citizens since the beginning of the General Plan update.
  • What Tom was asking of those gathered:  To continue to show up at Board of Supervisor and Planning Coalition meetings; to be involved in the county – to vote, run for office, participate; and to support CAP with a generous donation.Tom’s excellent presentation was followed by brief and heartfelt words from District 2 Supervisor Steve Wilensky.  Steve emphasized the difference that we have made in the county conversation and urged us to stay active, to hang in there for the long haul.

Tom’s excellent presentation was followed by brief and heartfelt words from District 2 Supervisor Steve Wilensky.  Steve emphasized the difference that we have made in the county conversation and urged us to stay active, to hang in there for the long haul.

The afternoon concluded with more time to socialize and the opportunity to make a donation to the work of CAP.  To date the event has generated over $2000.  If you missed the event please know that we need your support, too.  We encourage you to:

  • Give as generously as you are able, either by sending a check (made out to CAP or EPFW/CAP) to PO Box 2633, Murphys, CA 95247, or by making a donation through PayPal on the CAP website
  • Sign up for CAP email updates.  You can do this on our website at
  • “Like” us on Facebook; the link directly above on our website will take you to that opportunity.
  • Show up for Board of Supervisor meetings, Planning Commission meetings, and all General Plan update meetings and hearings.

We can only continue to do this if we do it together!


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Special Thanks to Rick Harray Photography for the use of his photos on this site.